Toyota Camry will be sent to Russia

Russian customers bought 6 cars from our company this time, all of which are Toyota Camry, and Toyota Camry is a petrol car Sedan. The Russian customer this time is an old customer before. Before that, I have bought two cars from our company, namely Toyota Camry and Lantu Free. Since the first cooperation was very pleasant, the Russian customer quickly contacted our sales manager. After very pleasant communication, we understood the customer’s needs and ordered 6 Toyota Camrys. This cooperation was quickly reached on the basis of mutual trust between the two parties. After the customer signed the contract with us, the deposit was sent soon. Our company arranges the shipment very quickly, reducing the waiting time of customers.

At present, this car has been shipped from Jinan to Xi’an, and then shipped from Manzhouli to Russia. The whole journey will be guaranteed by transportation insurance, and finally it will be delivered to the customer quickly and completely. buy this car we buy this car we have changed the English system for our customers. The shipping method of choice is rail shipping.

Toyota Camry will be sent to Russia

In terms of appearance, the eighth-generation Camry has a dual-model design of luxury version and sports version, both of which are derived from Toyota’s latest “Keen Look” design language. The luxury version adopts a huge trapezoidal horizontal bar grille, the body has a streamlined posture, the waistline is lower, and the extended rear part of the roof increases the rear headroom.

The sports model adopts a three-layer grille front face, and for the first time adopts a two-color body, a “pure black” compartment design, and a double-sided four-exhaust pipe shape at the rear. In addition, the hybrid version is based on the luxury version, and its identity is highlighted through light blue front and rear lights

The hybrid model, which has a new sports version, maintains the main design of the current fuel sports model as a whole, and only reveals its hybrid identity in some details. Specifically, the front face of the car adopts an X shape, and the interior of the grille is made of black mesh material, while the central Toyota LOGO is decorated with blue elements, and the visual effect is more prominent.

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